Wednesday, December 05, 2007

These are few of my favourite things

The next 48 hours at work are going to suck ass and a bunch of people will think I'm an asshole, a douche bag, the devil's spawn, you name it.

Commuting home, I felt the doom and gloom setting down as I was selecting all the sad songs on my iPod. I decided to turn it off and finished chapter 7 of Alamut. I was briefly transported to 11th century Persia and it helped me forget my impending problems. Which brought the question: what makes me happy?

This definitely help make my day today. I played it 3 times so far and it made me laugh out loud every single time.

I especially felt vindicated on that one because I received my first sells call on my cell yesterday and I naively thought it was one space where I still had some privacy. I guess not.

I've had a few Orange Grand-Marnier now (2/3 orange juice, 1/3 Grand Marnier) and I'm watching The Thing in HD on my XBox 360, blogging on my laptop and checking message boards.

You know what? It's turning into one fine evening.

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