Saturday, February 26, 2011

Doctor Who news roundup

Pictured above is the Prospect Heights bar, The Way Station featuring a TARDIS as their bathroom. How cool is that?

Kate Beaton of "Hark! a Vagrant" fame posted a hilarious Doctor Who comic even though to her own admission she has never seen the show.

Doctor Who experience opened in London last Sunday and will run until May 29. Sadly, I don't see any possibilities of making it.

Nicholas Courtney who appeared in Doctor Who over the span of 4 decades as Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart passed away this week. Here is his obituary at The Guardian.

And finally to end on a positive note, according to Rock, Paper, Shotgun, BBC Worldwide has announced a Doctor Who MMO developed by indie game company Three Rings, best of all, it would be free to play! I couldn't find any trace of the announcement on the BBC website but on the homepage of the Three Rings website:
One of our less secret projects is a recently announced Doctor Who online world that we're jolly excited about!
Phew! That will be enough Doctor Who for now.

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