Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tintin by Moebius

Moebius, Giraud

Jean Henri Gaston Giraud (born May 8, 1938[1]) is a French comics artist. Giraud has earned worldwide fame, not only under his own name but also under the pseudonym Moebius. He is the creator of Blueberry.

He said about Hergé:
"Drawing comic strips is repetitive, mechanical work that naturally leads to the development of artistic tics. Few authors can escape this process yet Hergé, thanks to the fact that he managed to create such a far-reaching work, managed to free himself from it entirely. On the other hand an artist like Franquin, despite his obvious genius, represents the archetype of someone in the grip of this artisitic mechanisation."
« La bande dessinée est un art répétitif mécanisant qui amène forcément la création de tics. Peu d’auteurs échappent à ça. Hergé parce qu’il avait réussi à créer une œuvre tellement aboutie, a pu s’en dégager totalement. Mais pour Franquin, par exemple, qui, aussi génial soit-il, représente vraiment l’archétype du dessinateur pollué par la mécanisation ».

(Source : Vincent Bernière, Moebius, le double Je, Beaux-arts, n°209, octobre 2001, p.74)



Marion said...

Look at you go!

vincehardy said...

I decided I wanted to start posting regularly again. Did some clean up on the layout but also made the blog more relevant to what my current interests are. We'll see if I can keep up.